​Our publications include our anthology (March 2019) that brings together many authors who conceptualize Chicana M(other)work as well as our article "'Our Labor Is Our Prayer, Our Mothering Is Our Offering': A Chicana M(other)work Framework for Collective Resistance" in Chicana/Latina Studies 16:2 Spring 2017.

We have presented at academic conferences including American Studies Association (ASA), Latina/o Studies Association (LSA), National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS), and the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA). You can find us at NWSA in November 2019!

​Our podcast is an accessible venue where we hold space for pláticas, bring in guest speakers, and share resources or plug-ins for mothers of color in and outside of academia. You can find us on Soundcloud and Itunes.

We also have a blog where we publish testimonios that discuss, share, and challenge the experiences of mothers, parents, other-mothers, hijxs, and teachers through an intersectional lens. We welcome submissions throughout the year!