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Episode 2: MOCA de UCLA

This week on the show, Christine, Cecilia, Judi and Yvette invite the Mothers of Color in Academia de UCLA as guest speakers. We dedicate the podcast to Maria Cordova and Korina Campos, two young mujeres who were killed in Boyle Heights in February 2016. Although we did not know them personally, we believe our struggles for justice are interrelated. We update our listeners on the UCLA Undercommons Teach-In that MOCA de UCLA was a part of and contextualize our experiences with some statistics on the Chicana/o and Latina/o educational pipeline, as well as on women and mothers in the academy. Our guest speakers, Leigh-Anna Grace Hidalgo Newton (bottom left) and Nora Cisneros (bottom right) share with us their narratives related to issues of reproductive agency, breastfeeding, childcare, and feeling (in)visible on campus. We also mention the petition that is circulating for reproductive justice support at UCLA. We end the episode with parenting fails and shout-outs. 




Mary Ann Mason, Nicholas H. Wilfinger, and Marc Goulden, Do Babies Matter? Gender and Family in the Ivory Tower, Rutgers University Press, 2013. 


Tara J. Yosso and Daniel G. Solorzano, "Leaks in the Chicana and Chicano Educational Pipeline." Latino Policy & Issues Brief. Number 13. UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, 2006. 


Lindsay Pérez Huber, Maria C. Malagón, Brianna R. Ramirez, Lorena Camargo Gonzalez, Alberto Jimenez, and Verónica N. Vélez, "Still Falling Through the Cracks: Revisiting the Latina/o Education Pipeline," CSRC Research Report, Number 19, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, 2015. 

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