Chicana M(other)work Blog
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The Chicana M(other)work Blog is accepting submissions that discuss, share, and challenge the experiences of mothers, parents, other-mothers, hijxs, and teachers through an intersectional lens (race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, etc). We are especially interested in publishing testimonios by self-identified Chicana and Women of Color Mother-scholars (cis and trans), gender non-conforming and non-binary people of color, as well as allies who center mothering as an act of transformative labor within and beyond academia.
To be considered, please submit an original unpublished (including print and online publications) manuscript of 700-1500 words, a title, and a 150-word biography in Microsoft Word. Please also include a high resolution photo as a jpeg file, which will complement your published work. We also accept anonymous submissions. Submissions should be sent to:
Unfortunately, we cannot offer compensation for publication because we are a grassroots collective. Likewise, because we are a volunteer collective, please allow one-month from your date of submission for us to get back to you. We look forward to reading your testimonios!
Should your work be accepted for publication elsewhere in the future, we ask that you please provide visible credit as site of initial publication to The Chicana M(other)work Blog or a link to our page.