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Call for Papers

The Chicana M(other)work Anthology: Porque Sin Madres No Hay Revolución

Deadline for Abstracts: December 15, 2016




The Chicana M(other)work anthology aims to bring together emerging scholarship and testimonios by self-identified Chicana and Women of Color Mother-scholars as well as allies who center mothering as transformative labor through an intersectional lens. In this book, we use Chicana M(other)work as a concept and project informed by our shared gendered, classed, and racialized experiences. Through Chicana M(other)work, we provide a framework for institutional transformation which makes feminized labor visible and prioritizes collective action and holistic healing to envision and enact socially just futures for mother-scholars, our children, and our communities. This anthology will illuminate how Chicana and Women of Color mother-scholars survive and thrive while mothering our children, ourselves, and our communities in all the spaces we inhabit.




We encourage submissions (scholarly essays, narratives, stories, and testimonios) that amplify the lived experiences of Chicana mothers and Mothers of Color, which showcase how mothering is an act of transformative labor within and outside academia. While we center our concept of Chicana M(other)work, we welcome contributions not only from self-identified Chicanas but also from Women of Color, transwomen of color, gender non-conforming people of color, and allies who address women of color mothering and parenting in their work. This anthology will prioritize submissions that focus on at least one of the following themes:


  • Separation, Migration, State Violence, Detention

  • Chicana/Latina/Women of Color Mother-Activists

  • Mother of Color Testimonios

  • Loss, Reproductive Justice and Choice, Holistic Pregnancy


Potential Contributors:


When referring to Chicana mothers, we invite a broad range of mother-scholars, including but not limited to those who identify as Afro-Chicana, Chicana/Xicana, Latina, and Xicana-Indigena. Moreover, we look forward to submissions that are informed by our concept of Chicana M(other)work but also welcome contributions from self-identified women of color, including but not limited to Arab/Arab American women, South/Asian/Asian American women, Black/African/African American women, Indigenous women, Latin American women, Pacific Islander women, and other writers from the Global South. This anthology also encourages contributions from asexual, bisexual, gay, intersex, lesbian, gender non-conforming, pansexual, trans, and queer individuals. We welcome scholars from any academic stage, including Ph.D. students, contingent faculty and adjuncts, tenure-track and tenured faculty, and those who were pushed out of the academy. Also, we recognize there is risk in sharing our narratives while in hostile spaces. As such, we welcome papers from authors who wish to remain anonymous in the final publication. Please communicate with the editors to indicate your preferences.


Submission Guidelines:


The deadline for abstracts is December 15, 2016. For consideration, please submit a 250 word abstract in a Microsoft Word document to If accepted, full-length chapter manuscripts will be due by April 2017. We will accept full papers with a maximum of 7000 words, including references. All manuscripts must be double-spaced and use 12-point Times New Roman font in APA style.


About the Editors:


Cecilia Caballero was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area to Mexican immigrant parents and she is a Ph.D. candidate in USC’s American Studies and Ethnicity department. She holds BAs in English and Chicanx Studies from UC Berkeley. Her dissertation focuses on narratives of gender, sexuality, and spiritual activism in Chicana literature and cultural production. Cecilia and her six year old son have been involved in urban gardening and organizing to save Proyecto Jardín. In addition, she organizes reading groups for mothers of color. Cecilia is also a writer and is currently working on a speculative memoir, a science fiction novel, and poetry manuscript.


Dr. Yvette Martínez-Vu was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, California to immigrant parents from Mexico. She received her B.A. in English Literature as well as a C.Phil. and Ph.D. in Theater and Performance Studies from UCLA. Her dissertation examines how Mexican, Chicana, and indigenous women use theatrical objects as a medium for resistance and empowerment within post-1990s performances.  Yvette is the mother of a three-year old. She now works full-time for UCLA's Scholarship Resource Center and provides freelance academic coaching and copyediting services to undergraduate and graduate students.


Dr. Judith C. Pérez-Torres is a Chicana momma born and raised in LA to immigrant parents from Mexico. Judi is the first in her family to go to college and earn a PhD. Judi earned her BA in Human Communication at CSU Monterey Bay and her MA and PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Department at the University of Utah. Her dissertation examines the impact of a purposeful Ethnic Studies course with a Critical Race Service Learning component, on first-year, Chican@/Latin@ undergraduates in relation to their racialized educational experiences. She lives in Ontario, CA. raising her three children while job searching.


Dr. Michelle Téllez grew up along the San Diego/Tijuana border and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mexican American Studies at the University of Arizona.  Her multiple publications and projects examine how gender intersects with social movements, migration, and the U.S./Mexico Border; research that helps us think about community formations across multiple borderlands including questions of identity, intersectionality and motherhood. Michelle values public pedagogy, cultural/arts production and producing knowledge with and about communities who are creatively thriving and resisting. A single mother to a ten-year-old daughter, she is also a part of multiple cultural, arts and feminist collectives. You can find out more about her work at:


Christine Vega is a fifth-year Ph.D. Candidate in GSE&IS at UCLA. She is proud scholar-activist merging academia, activism and spirituality. Her dissertation work focuses on Chicana Latina Ph.D. mother activism and academic acceleration.  She is working with and organizing with Mothers of Color in Academia de UCLA and Chicana M(other)work. Christine is an AAHHE Fellow and has short stories, poetry, and theoretical publications about birth, pregnancy, and ceremony in UCLA's Regeneración Tlacuilolli and InterActions. She’s an artist and loves playing and learning from her three-year-old son.

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